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The Divine Prediction

Photo courtesy Tumisu on Pixabay.

Sunny lived in a small village in Punjab. His father was a farmer with a small landholding. They used to grow two crops a year and the money they earned was barely sufficient to make their ends meet.

From a very young age, he used to help his father on the farm, as there were six persons in the family to sustain. In one of the seasons, they used to grow wheat, and for the remaining part of the year, they used to plant vegetables. After harvesting, they used to store wheat which used to last for a year. 

Whenever there was erratic rain, they used to lose their crop and his father had to borrow money at high-interest rates for the next crop. Due to their abject poverty, he was admitted to a government school where the parents used to send their children, with an incentive of free meals.

As the school was three kilometers from his house, daily he used to walk to the school and in the evening same way back to his house. Thereafter he used to help other farmers in their field, thereby earning some extra money.

Onthe way back to his house from school he used to walk through the fields. Under a tree in one of the fields, there used to sit an astrologer predicting the future of the people. These people were often passing through a bad phase in life. With the passage of time, the astrologer had become famous in the village. The people used to invite him to their house, to conduct prayers and chant hymns to ward off the troubles and bad evil.

Sunny was a very inquisitive boy and often used to talk to the astrologer while passing through that place. Sometimes he used to sit near the astrologer and observe him carefully. Out of inquisitiveness one day he placed his hand in front of the astrologer and asked innocently, “Please tell me something about my future.”

The astrologer looked at his hand for a while and said” Your destiny will change after marriage.”

Sunny did not take it seriously as he was very young and marriage was still very far off. Since he was very inquisitive he wanted the astrologer to teach him some of his skills. But the astrologer was hesitant and did not want to pass off his skills easily, thereby refusing to teach him. Though Sunny was disappointed he decided not to give up.

Every day before going to school he used to clean the place where the astrologer used to sit. In due course, the astrologer was impressed by his dedication and after a few months decided to teach him. Now after coming from school, he used to sit with the astrologer and learn palm reading and astrology.

After learning from the astrologer he used to work in the field of other persons, till late in the evening. In a few years, he completed his graduation, working hard throughout the day.

On getting the results he appeared for the entrance exam of one of the most prestigious M.B.A. College in Delhi and sailed through. He was now required to shift to Delhi for the two-year course.

Sunny arrived in the metro city. As he did not have any friends and relatives in the city he lodged himself in a hotel. The money he had saved was spent in a few days and now he could not afford the hotel anymore. Since he did not know anyone in the city he moved to the street and began staying under a bridge on one of the roads.

But he was adamant that he would complete his education at any cost. Soon he hit upon an idea. Since he had learned astrology, he decided to practice it in the city. He purchased a chair and a table and used to sit in a corner in the street; where many people used to pass by.

In the beginning, it was tough to get customers and he used to be idle all the time. He had placed a few cutouts of palms with the lines well etched out so that any passersby would know about his business.

Slowly the people passing through the busy central district began to recognize him and he was now having enough clients to afford decent accommodation.

The training provided by the astrologer in his village was sufficient for him to interpret the personality characteristics and predict the future. According to him, hands were like mirrors, reflecting the accumulation of a person’s action.

He used to observe both hands and compare them. His thinking was that the left-hand displays the potential we are born with. The true potential remains unharnessed if we choose the wrong path and can’t achieve our goals.

It was a year now into his MBA training. He used to spend half of his earnings on his parents, as he was a devoted son. Gradually he was earning enough and shifted to a well-paid accommodation. The daily study of many hands was adding to his knowledge. Persons from varied walks of life used to approach him. In his observation, the hands of a construction worker were completely different from that of a ramp model. Soft hands indicated a lazy person and a firm hand indicated an energetic and reliable person.

Most of the clients he used to get were males with occasionally a few femalesapproaching him for consultations. One day as usual he was sitting on his chair,waiting for clients. The day had turned out to be very hot and it was almost late evening, with no one turning up. He was getting frustrated as he was in dire need of money; to send to his father who had been ill for a long time.

Suddenly a car stopped in front of him. Out disembarked two ladies heading towards him. The lady who was leading appeared to be very beautiful and he had rarely seen such a beautiful woman. Soon they had reached near him.

“I want to show my hand and learn of my future.” The lady remarked.

“Sure. Please be seated." Sunny shifted a chair in front of the lady.

“You don’t appear to be Indian. Which place do you belong to?” Sunny was inquisitive.

“We are from Amsterdam.” One of them replied.

Sunny was thoroughly immersed in her beautiful looks. She was so beautiful that he kept on gazing at her, forgetting to read her hand.

“Well, gentleman can you please read my hand and tell me about my future.”She prodded.

Sunny was broken out of the spell and began reading her hand," I can tell that the work for which you have come to this place will be successful. But your best is still years away. Your hand displays that you come from a very rich family. In 10 years, I can see that you would be famous all over the world.”

“Just now you said that we would be successful in the work we have come here for. I would like to state that our company has bid for a very large project. Is it your reading that we would be successful in winning the bid?”

“That is what your hand says. No power in the world can stop you from rising.”

After Sunny had read her hand, the lady tried to pull her hand back. He had held them so firmly that the lady was able to pull them back with some difficulty. She looked at him. He was tall, dark, and very handsome. She felt a spark passing through her, completely impressed by his looks.

The beautiful lady thanked him and took out the money from her sling bag. The money that she had offered was beyond the rate that Sunny used to charge, but being an honest man he returned the remaining money.

Now the lady used to pass through that place daily and they used to smile at each other. Once while passing through the place she could not locate Sunny. She inquired from a nearby shop.

“We have no news about him. He is usually here after attending college.”A nearby shopkeeper remarked.

The lady was very disappointed. She used to regularly pass that place to see if he had returned back.

After four days she saw Sunny sitting at the same place. Rushing to the chair she sat opposite him. Sunny started the conversation“I have seen your hand. Do you have any further questions?”

“No. I wanted to inform you that we have won the contract and I would be leaving in another three days. Where were you for the past four days?”

“I was at my place down with fever; unable to move. Now I am feeling much better.”

“I missed you all these days”. The beautiful lady replied looking into his eyes.

“I too missed you. When I was lying on the bed, your smiling face always used to be there in front of my eyes.”

“Before I leave, I wish to go out for dinner to one of the restaurants in the city,” She said.

The next evening they turned up at an upscale restaurant. Eva had taken him in her car. Seeing the place his face turned pale. After they had taken their seat Eva began to order from the menu. The food was very costly and he could hardly afford it.

A smiling Eva remarked “What’s the problem Sunny! Are you unwell?”

“I was looking at the price. It appears to be very costly”

“Don’t worry. You are my guest. I have invited you here” Eva replied reassuring him.

After the dinner was over they were walking near the seashore holding each other’s hands, confessing their love for each other.

“Why don’t we get married?” Eva asked him.

Sunny was taken aback by her sudden proposal. “Why not? We would surely get married after a year.”

“No! What I meant was; why don’t we get married tomorrow. Since I am traveling to so many places around the globe, I don’t know when we would be able to meet next.”

“But I will have to inform my parents and take them into confidence.”

And what if they refuse?” Sunny was quiet for a moment and did not know what to say.

“What do you suggest?” He asked her.

“We will marry in court tomorrow. Later on, we can organize a grand reception.” Sunny was so besotted, that he could not say no to her.

The next day they married in court and immediately left for their honeymoon to a hill station.

After two days, Eva remarked, “I have to leave now as I have to complete the project.”

“Dear! we have just got married. Why not stay here for a week more?”

Eva agreed to his suggestion.

After a week Eva left for Amsterdam. They used to keep in touch through emails and Whatsapp.

In the next six months, Sunny completed his MBA studies and wanted to meet his wife.

Since he was short of money, he borrowed money from one of his friends and booked his flight ticket. He had not informed Eva and wanted to give her a pleasant surprise.

After landing at the Amsterdam airport he rang his wife.“Sweetheart! I want to meet you.”

“You want me to come to India?”

“No, I am already at the Amsterdam airport. “

It was Eva’s birthday and a completely pleasant surprise for her. She immediately left for the airport to receive him. As she reached near him, he hugged her.

“Let’s go to my place. We are having a grand party tonight.”She said pulling his hand.

Sunny sat in the car but was surprised to see a cavalcade of cars following them.

“These cars appear to be following us,” he remarked.

“Yes. All the cars belong to us.” He was surprised, but since he had seen her hands he was aware that she was a rich lady.

After some time their car stopped in front of a mansion, “This is my house." Eva remarked.

Sunny was all the more surprised. He could not believe that he had married such a rich lady.

In the evening there were celebrations, where hundreds of guests had assembled. Slowly he came to learn that she was the only daughter of a billionaire. After the grand party was over, his father-in-law suggested “I have such a big business. Why don’t you join us?”

Sunny agreed to his wishes. The prediction of the astrologer had come true. His life had changed for the better after marriage. 

You don’t meet people by accident. There’s always a reason. A lesson or a blessing.


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